Episode 088- Home of "DEPRAVED": The Larry Fessenden Interview

Great horror stories, like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, have universal appeal and artists can reinterpret them to reflect the anxieties of every generation.
And on Friday, September 13th, legendary Independent Horror Auteur Larry Fessenden releases Depraved, his newest vision of the Frankenstein story.
Since 1985, Larry Fessenden has been creating his own fiercely independent, critically-acclaimed horror films (No Telling, Habit, Wendigo, The Last Winter, and Beneath)through the film studio he created, Glass Eye Pix.
Join the conversation as Larry graciously comes on H4H to talk about his unique style in horror films, the existential horror of the nature of nature, and why Frankenstein is as vital today as it was in 1818!
I hope you enjoy the show!
Movies Discussed:
Depraved (2019)
Like Me (2018)
Stakeland (2010)
Beneath (2013)
The Last Winter (2006)
Wendigo (2001)
Habit (1998)
No Telling (1991)
Birth of the Living Dead (2013)
Bitter Feast (2010)
Backcountry (2014)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
I Can See You (2008)
Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957)
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